Monday, January 15, 2007


We are holed up in our house due to the ice storm. The kids and the dogs are officially stir crazy. I am trying to keep them occupied with stuff to do, but we are on day 3 of not leaving the house and they are tired of TV and computer games. We have Easy Bake ovened about as much as I can, I have Play Dough EVERYWHERE in my kitchen and the dogs are barking. They don't bark. So I know its bad. I hope school is cancelled tomorrow, because the ice is only supposed to get worse as the day/night comes- with tomorrow being the worst. I am already off today because of the holiday- but I hope school is cancelled, because I don't want to drive in this mess. There was an 8 car pile up this morning, and that is with holiday traffic. What a mess. I wish I knew now if school was going to be cancelled, but we will have to wait till the morning. Josh just left for work with a change of clothes and enough food to feed an army. The guy on the radio this morning said- if you go to work today don't expect to come home tonight. I hate that he works in a prison. They can't close like a school can. Ugh.

So I am off to watch the Rescuers on the Disney channel with my kids. Should be fun.


Amy said...

I don't know why prisons don't close for ice storms. Let the ice guard the inmates. It's not like they can go anywhere.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like its time for family game day! (How many times can you play candyland?)

As for Amy's comments: They were thinking of changing Ft Greely Alaska to a prison. It get down to 40 below in the winter and its 75 miles to the nearest town. Not too many escape attempts here.

Dear Old Dad

Amy said...

That's what I'm talking about, Dear Old Dad.

Sarah said...

It's got lots of good ideas for rainy days.