Friday, February 09, 2007

Back from the dead, sort of.

On Wednesday I left work early, at like 9:30 because I felt horrible. I thought I just had a little cold. I thought I would come home and sleep all day and start feeling better. But that was not the case. The further along the day went the worse I felt. I ended up with a fever of 102.4 that stayed with me from Wednesday afternoon until sometime last night. I went to the doctors yesterday morning, because, I could hardly talk my throat was so swollen. I haven't heard back officially, but when they look in your throat and jump back you assume the worse. I am fairly sure I have strep throat. Yuck! The worst thing about all this is that my throat hurts SO bad I can't eat or sleep. So I am cranky, very cranky. Plus I can't talk. At. All. I sound like I am deaf when I talk. The kids look at me like I am crazy and don't understand that I just need them to be good, because I feel horrible. Josh is off work today and is taking care of me. I hope to begin eating liquified foods today, as I am starving and have a horrible headache from not eating for three days.

That is enough of my whining.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Get well, get well soon, we want you to get well. (You have to sing that in your head. It's a song.)
I love you!