Sunday, September 10, 2006

Girls, Girls Girls

At our church we are involved in a baby-sitting co-op. We watch 9 kids for 4 hours every 4 months and in return we get 3 months of nights out without the kiddos. Last night was our turn to have the kids at our house. There were 3 girls and I could hardly get them to keep their clothes on. They loved playing with Emilys dress-up clothes and Sunday dresses. Here are some pics I snapped of the three girls. This is Emily Ann, Emily and Hannah.


Sarah said...

I'm supposedly in one of those too. We've only done it once and we got to go out...

Susan said...

We have a very organized person leading up ours. We have been at it for almost a year, and it is great. We took some time off during the summer for scheduling sake, but we are back at it. I love it!