Wednesday, February 13, 2008


With the probing of my dear friend Amy I thought I would let you into what it was like to grow up in my house. I am an only child and was privy to many “adult” conversations and included in the sarcasm fests that would often time take over our house. My parents, a conservative and a liberal (in ALL ways, shapes and forms of the word) made for an interesting time growing up. I like to think I came out right in the middle- a little bit of both mixed together and created the mess that I am. Now because they are as opposite as white and black, they have always “bickered” over things which really don’t matter. Not ever really fighting, no chairs thrown or angry words but a good jabbing from both of my parents to each other and myself has always been the norm. And then it crossed into blogland.

I never knew I would get such a strong reaction from my post on the great NKOTB. But apparently my parents have some strong feelings about the concert that I was taken to back many, many years ago. Here are their comments from my previous entry.

Lets make one thing very clear. Your parents did not drive 8 hours to see the NKOTB
concert. They drove 8 hours so you and your friends could see the concert. Dear old Dad
never even went into the concert hall - he spent the evening in the hallway with the rest of
the taxi drivers.DoD

Your father complains a little too much. The truth, as I remember it, was that he begged to go
to the concert and you FINALLY conceded to let him go. I think he was on the front row
singing along to "The Right Stuff".Momwho has a much better memory that DoD

And there you have it. I am surprised that it ended there, to be honest. But I think what is even funnier is the image of my very conservative father on the front row with his hand in the air waving along to “The Right Stuff”. And if you have ever met my father, this should be hilarious to you as well!


Amy said...

And here I always thought that only kids had grown up and mature conversations around their households.

Susan said...

If only you knew. I don't think we ever had a truely grown up conversation until I left home.

Anonymous said...

I am totally speechless by your mothers 'memory of the events'. We still do not have adult conversations because we are short one adult!!!

Anonymous said...

I really don't know why your father is talking about. Of course we have one short adult, he is only 4 feet tall. That makes him ONE SHORT ADULT!


Susan said...

Good grief, I can't take you two anywhere!

Amy said...

See? This stuff is golden.
One short adult.
Very funny, Pam.
Though I think Danny had a pretty good first dig.

Anonymous said...

Since your mother ALWAYS has to have the last word, I made it easy for her by not specifying which person was the adult and which was not. (She is getting old and I have to make things easy for her).

Anonymous said...

Your father forgets that no matter how old I get, he will always be older. In his ancient mind he probably forgets that simple mathematical fact. (You know I love him anyway, sort of how you love the runt of the know, tho ones that NEED more love)


Amy said...

Nobody can ever say that your dear old Dad is not a giver.
I was just thinking that your parents' marriage does a good job of explaining our friendship.