Friday, August 25, 2006

Sneaky Jacob strikes again

While at the store yesterday with Josh and Emily, Jacob decides to “sneak” a treat without asking. He opened a package of Starburst and ate a few of the little candies. Emily discovered the problem and quickly notified her father of his actions. Josh took the candy from the boy, paid for it and then required Jacob to take the candy to the little lady at the register (it was the self-checkout line, as that was all that was open-but that’s another story) and throw the remaining candy away. I was so proud of my husbands good parenting skills and so disappointed in Jacobs deviousness. However, the lady at Wal-Mart told Josh she had watched the whole incident “go down” and was impressed with Josh’s parenting as well.

Quite a far cry from when the lady at McDonalds threatened to call CPS on us.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Emmy did something like that just after she turned 3. We nipped it right in the bud in a similar way to yours.