Monday, August 14, 2006

The First Day of School (A week late)

The first day of school. I went in and woke Emily up this morning and she looked up at me and grinned like it was Christmans morning. She has been antsy for school to start for a few days now. She got up, took a abath, got dressed, ate her egg in a hole that daddy made and smiled pretty for the camera. I had to drag Jacob out of bed, my bed, and dress him in two sets of clothes. The first pair of pants we put on were too bib. Thanks mom and dad for the clothes, hopefully someday he will have a waist that will fill them. My son ate a "healthy" breakfast of Fritos and cake and smiled pretty for the camera and it was off to school.

Jacob was a little bit anxious to walk into the room, but once he found his seat andstarted doing the lacing project that was laid out for his table he could have cared less if we were there.

Emily was also the first one to walk into her room and was excited to find her place to sit and started in on her work. She looked so grown up in those desks that actually hold the school supplies as opposed to the tables she has had for the last 2 years.

They both looked so grown up when I left them, I really didn't want to leave.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

How exciting!