Monday, May 07, 2007


Well the weekend went almost as planned. Girl Scouts were postponed until next weekend, becasue so many girls were not going to be there. We didn't watch Fantasia, but Hoodwinked instead. I got very little sleep thanks to the wonderful children I have being excited for the weekend. But Amy and I had a fabulous chat, the kids had fun and when we left her kids were about to be dunked in the bath and mine needed it badly-from the mud they created and played with.

As promised here are pictures of the dog.

Brownie before the grooming.

Brownie after the grooming. Look at his pretty stripes. Brownie wasn't the only one who lost some ahir over the weekedn. Emily wanted a haircut- and needed one, so off we went to Snip-Its. It is a little shorter than I wanted and she looks a little too grown-up for my taste, but she LOVES it so much.

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