Friday, May 04, 2007

My big weekend plans.

What a weekend we have planned. Tonight we are skipping volleyball because soccer has been cancelled due to the rain. We are going to do some Girl Scout shopping that needs to be done and get a take and bake pizza and watch the movie Fantasia that I bought at a garage sale for $1! Jacob’s choice for the movie, he is very excited, and I think he will be a little disappointed. Jacob has a soccer game in the morning, barring any rain that Grandma is hopefully going to take him to play in and Emily and I have a Girl Scout meeting. But after Girl Scouts in the morning I am most excited to have my dear friend Amy over for the afternoon. We are going to hang and let the kids run around and just chat. I am most looking forward to that. So, Amy, I hope your ready for a fun filled day of nothing tomorrow afternoon. It should be great.

On a side note, we got Brownie groomed- thanks to a referral to a non-expensive vet that grooms from our wonderful babysitter Mrs. Ann. He looks like a new dog. I took pictures, but left the camera at home. I am kicking myself for that now. I will post pictures of the crazy naked dog on Monday- so stay tuned.

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