Wednesday, October 03, 2007

We need a chew toy

We have a chewer. And it is not the dog. Well maybe we have a chewer in addition to the dog. Jacob is our chewer. He never was much of a chewer when he was a baby, it really wasn’t until he was much older that the chewing became an issue. And he does not discriminate. Anything that he can get his little hands on is fair game for chewing.

Take for example my very first fabulous Coach bag. It was wonderful. Josh and I had searched literally all over Austin to find last years bag. When we found it I was thrilled and I carried for almost a full year, until Jacob got a hold of it. He chewed the leather strap almost right in half. And when I asked him about it he didn’t know why he had done it. He actually hardly even remembered that he had done it.

He has effectively chewed on DVD cases, his fingernails, buttons off his shirt, pillows, blankets, and pencils. The pencils are the reason for this post today. You see last week Jacob had to pull a card (get in trouble at school) for chewing his pencil. Now the child is not a few teeth marks on the pencil kind of kid. He is a chew the eraser down, through the metal kind of kid. The teacher did everything right, but, he still got in trouble. I just hope he can break this habit, because he was quite crushed about the situation. So I took him to the doctor yesterday and nothing is really “wrong” with him. He is not deficient in anything, they did a finger prick. So I do not know what his problem is. On the other side he got 2 shots and a flu mist up the nose. Emily got 1 shot and the flu mist. Yea!!! Shots!! Jacob cried for like an hour.

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