Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bullets, again

I have hit a bit of a writing block. Not that all of my loyal 3 fans are missing anything fabulous in my writing, but just fir prosperity I am going to write a little bit… in bullets.

  • Last week I was in Little Rock, AR for my job. I was told I “get” to drive a company car, rather than fly and because of this Josh came with me. We had a nice time, but it was no vacation, like I think Josh expected it to be.
  • Emily got in trouble in school while we were in Arkansas, for calling a kid a butt face. Yeah, Emily- at least she didn’t hit him this time. So we are making progress with her. Now we just have to work on expressing our anger in a positive way.
  • This weekend Emily spent the night over at her friend Claire’s house. Claire does not live in the neighborhood and Claire is usually very nice to Emily. Emily had a fabulous time and enjoyed herself so much. When she got home I asked her how it went and if she had fun to which she exclaimed, “YES!” I responded with, “Isn’t it nice to play with girls who aren’t mean to you?” I was thrilled she got some good girl time.
  • Jacob is growing like a weed. He is eating constantly, too bad it is pop-tarts and cheetos. Last night Josh made something new for dinner and of course Jacob wasn’t interested in eating it, so he ate an apple, carrots and grapes. I have such a weird child.
  • I finally bought new glasses last night. The ones I currently have were purchased at least 2 and a half years ago, if not even longer than that. And when I got the contacts that I currently have my prescription had changed quite a bit with my astigmatism and now I can see so clearly with my contacts. I have just been dealing with my glasses, only wearing them when absolutely necessary because the prescription is so bad, but I decided I just needed to do it and I went out last night and bought a pair. And, if I had wanted to, they would have been ready last night! I am going to pick them up today, but they were ready in the same day!!!! That has NEVER happened to me before. Usually when I walk into an eyeglasses store that has glasses ready in around an hour they tell me, “Well ma’am, for most prescriptions, but not for yours.” I am thrilled and can’t wait to be able to watch TV in the evenings with a clear view.
  • In very exciting news… Josh changed the breaks in the tracker and, wait for it, fixed the car door!! We now have 2 cars with at least 2 doors each that work!! It is very exciting news in our house. Jacob was thrilled to help with the breaks and even more thrilled about the door. He had been quite worried about it for some time now.

That is about it. We are in the thick of it here, with school, scouts for both kids, dance and soccer starts soon… oh and both of us have 2 jobs. We are living life to it’s fullest. I just hope it doesn’t catch up with us anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

Doors on all your cars?? Wow, what a concept. Next, you will get Texas plates! I guess your jobs are keeping you busy. Mom never gets those five o'clock phone calls during the I-35 poke-a-long.

Susan said...

I know, I know... if only we could get the back doors on the van to open from the outside, we would be in business!

Anonymous said...

Plus, with over 6000 visits, you have more that two readers. Your writing is very good. Spelling is fare.

Susan said...

I have not once ever claimed to be a good speller. And I am an even worse typer(is that even a word?)

So I am cool with my horrible spelling. If I catch something after the fact I try to correct it. I try.