Friday, August 24, 2007

Back to school night

Last night was Meet the Teacher night for the kids at their school. We are very excited that Jacob is in Ms. O’Nans class, just like Emily was. We loved Ms. O’Nan and the way in which she helped Emily, so we know what to expect and we are super excited.

Emily is in Ms. Mudra’s class. She seems to be a very nice and very young. I think this will be the first time, but not the last, that I am older than my child’s teacher. I thought, having started having children so young, that I would be younger than the teachers for some time, but that is not the case. It should be interesting. I hope that it all works out for Emily. She needs a strong teacher, I hope Emily doesn’t “break” her. I know she can if she tries.

So overall it was a great success, and now the kids are ready and eager to start school again. I am excited for them!

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