Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Six Years

Six years ago yesterday I headed into the doctors office for my last bi-weekly appointments. I was going to start moving to weekly appointments the next week. The child was still right- side up which meant he was upside down. And they found something else was going on with him so they sent me straight from my appointment to the hospital. Thankfully I had left Emily with my Mother In Law and gone to the appointment alone.

I called all the appropriate people, Josh at the prison (that he worked at, not lived in) and I called his mother, as she was watching our first born and my parents. Josh freaked out, because it was 4 weeks early and while I was ready to not be pregnant, I really wasn’t ready. I checked into the hospital without my bag, without my husband and without any idea of what was to come. They of course out me on the fetal monitor and an IV and came in and did an extra ultra sound. I was able to almost see his face before he was born. They did an up close and personal picture of him that I got to keep. Not like the ultra sounds of today where you can actually see the faces. Then they turned him. While he was still inside. Because he was breech and wasn’t changing his mind anytime soon, they pushed and pulled on me and him like nobody’s business. And let me tell you. It was NOT comfortable. He was as stubborn as the doctors and nurses that were forcing him to change directions. They finally were able to get him upside down, right side up and let me rest. I was left to be and they gave me something to start the labor before I went to sleep that night. I really don’t remember to much about that night except I had to get up and go to the bathroom a million times because of the IV that was pumping fluids and every time I had to get up I had to call a nurse because I was hooked up to SO many things. The next day I was officially in labor and I of course asked for the epidural as soon as possible because I am a big pain weenie.

The epidural did not take. Lets just say that again. The epidural did not take.

So I am going along and I am tired and I am in pain and I am SO OVER this and I want to be done. It didn’t look like he was coming anytime soon, as it was going VERY slowly. I was not very dilated when they came to check me so everybody decided to leave and get some dinner. Josh’s mom was going to take Emily home because we weren’t sure the little man was going to join us before it was time for her to go to bed. Josh walked Emily and his mom out and to her car. And left me alone. I guess when I am left alone Jacob wants to join me. Because then it was PAIN. Goodness, pain like I had never felt before. I called Josh on his phone telling him to get back up to the room. NOW. When he got back he went and got the nurse. She was very reluctant to come and check me again because she just had checked me literally 15 minutes prior. But Josh insisted and she came and I was nearly ready.

So everyone goes into panic mode. Both sets of grandparents had just left. So Josh contacts everyone and they start making their way back to the hospital. His mother and Emily were getting stuck at every light possible. My mom and dad barely made it back in time.

Little Jacob joined us in the world at 5 pounds 12 ounces and was 18 ¾’s inches long. A little old thing.

He has always been little since then and he has been just as stubborn. He his a fantastic little boy who gives me heart ache and joy.

Happy Birthday, my baby Jaocb.

On July 4th, only 8 days old.

Taken in June- almost 6 years old.

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