Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mean Girls

Why are little girls so mean? I just got home and Emily asked if she could go play. There is still sunlight out, so I said sure, be home in 30 minutes for dinner. She went over and those little girls played a trick on her. It is not the first time and I am sure it will not be the last. They all go inside and say "Oh, we can;t play anymore" So Emily will come home and then 5 minutes later they are all back outside playing. She is so angry and hurt by this. I am angry and hurt by this. I have never wanted to punch a little girl more than I did just now. I don't ever remember doing those things to my "friends" when I was growing up. Not that I was never mean, but this is just down right nasty. So I held her and loved on her and told her that sometimes girls are mean and try not to let it bother you. So she changed clothes and went back outside and played with some other kids. It just breaks my heart that these girls who she is trying so hard to be nice to are treating her so poorly.



Anonymous said...

Just love her so her little self-esteem doesn't get to beat up. Also, let her play with the other kids in the block. I know it doesn't make it any easier but kids have been doing this since the beginning of time and probably will continue forever. Also, I noticed that the allegiances switch pretty quickly at this age. All that doesn't help Miss Emily so just assure her that she is okay.


Amy said...

I agree with your Mom that it has happened since the beginning of time. The biggest thing my Mom did for me was to make sure that I was never the mean girl.
Girls treated me like that often and you can see that I turned into a perfectly well adjusted adult. *twitch*
Also, I just did a search on it, and it seems that it is STILL illegal to punch little kids. When will the laws reflect the world we live in? When?

Susan said...

What is so bizarre is that one of these little girls loves to play with Emily- if it is only the 2 of them. If you add the other two little sisters they are a bunch of mean girls.

Thanks for the heads up- I will NOT punch the girls, no matter how much I want to.