Friday, August 12, 2005

Well, well well

So I sent THE email and heard nothing for quite a few hours. I did have an email waiting for me from our HR person at corporate about doing an exit interview. So I emailed her back and set up a time for 11:00am. So she calls and I tell her how I feel unappreciated and that he doesn't rust me and all of that stuff. So She asks if I told the Regional boss, and I said I had actually just emailed him my thoughts the night before. She was glad to hear that. So I don't hear anything until about three when I had to email the boss about something completely unrelated and he responds and also asks if I will be in on Monday, he would like to discuss the email. I reply that I can be anytime after noon. So we have a meeting set up for Monday afternoon.

In my email I mentioned that I wanted the open property in Austin. I don't know what will happen. I am sure I will have a lot to say Monday night, also our score is the theirs highest in the company all year long. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Amy said...

I am still thinking about the sitcom scenario. He stays on as a boarder and you become the GM. Imagine the HILARITY that would ensue!

Amy said...

why do I even bother checking anymore?