Monday, July 18, 2005

Look at my little lady

Emily is spending three weeks with my mother and father in New Mexico and they have turned her into a young lady. I don't think I like it very much. She got new shoes while in New Mexico and is showing them off before church last Sunday. She looks so grown up and is talking better than ever and is outgrowing all of her cute little girls clothes. She has sent Josh and I letters, which she sent on Thursday and expected us to recieve on Friday. We did finally receive them today and she was thrilled to peices when we told her that they had come in the mail today. She also has purchased two Barbie dolls, that I was informed are her new Barbie "Collection." She learned so much from her slightly older cousin Hannah in Kentucky. I know she imulates her and was so sad to leave her. While in Kentucky she had her very first sleepover with her cousin Hannah. She grew up so much while there.

I really do miss the little girl she was, not just when she was four and a wonderful little handful but even just three weeks ago before we left and she wanted to help pack our bags for the trip.


Amy said...

It is really a shock how hard it is to let them grow up, isn't it? You eagerly await each milestone and then cry because that means they change a little bit of who they are.
I have a plan for stunting their growth. It involves lots of coffee and Teletubbies. It is still in the early stages, but I have high hopes. I'll let you in if it works! Cross your fingers.

Susan said...

I know and I want her to be a little girl all over again. I really feel like she grew up and I missed it all. She is going to be 10 before i know it. A blink of an eye.