Thursday, February 25, 2010

Isaiah 43:18-19

Last night at Bible study the wonderful Georgine shared what may have become my new favorite verse with the group, right as we were closing for the night.

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”

I can honestly say that I have never once read this verse and it have any sort of effect on me. But, when she read this out loud to the group I immediately thought about where I was a year ago and where I am today.

This last year has been interesting and full of times to grow as a person, a wife, a mother, a friend and most importantly as a Christian.

As a person I believe I have grown in many ways: like how I approach people, how I can stand up for myself. I have grown in the ways in which I deal with situations that would have at one point left me wringing my hands in worry. Now I simply deal with it and move on to the next problem. I feel much more comfortable with who I am as a person. I believe myself to be a good person, a truly optimistic person, one who really gives people the benefit of the doubt until she is proven wrong. I want all people to be “good” and deserving of one, two and three chances- but at the same time, I also have learned that sometimes my initial opinions of people are incorrect and I can own that and say, “Well, Susan, you gave them the benefit of the doubt. Even when others were unwilling to you did. And they proved you wrong. I am done.” I also feel as though I can stand up for myself a little more and not be such a push over. I am a very deserving person- and while I generally bend over backwards to help or put myself out for others I have learned to see when I am being taken advantage of and I don’t allow that to happen anymore.

As a wife I believe I have grown in the kitchen and as a loving and supportive wife. I believe that I have become more vocal of the support of my husband, both while he is around and not around. I try really hard to only speak highly of him, saying only kind words about him to anybody. Even if I am super angry with him. I learned in a class at church that what I say about him matters, whether he is around to hear it or not. That the words I say about him to another person may be the only impression they would ever have of him. So it is my job to only say positive things.

As a mother I have grown. Dealing with a preteen, who is hormonal and literally about to drive me crazy- I have learned that I have to take a deep breath and keep the calm. I can’t say that I am always 100 percent good at it, but it is something I am always trying to do. If I stay calm, I can help her see that calm is a better way to attack a situation, rather than all crazy upset like she so often likes to try and do. And wouldn’t you know that once I started this tactic she generally responded in a more positive way that when I yelled, kicked and screamed at her. Who would have ever guessed. I am not claiming to be perfect at this yet- I doubt I ever will be- but it is a difference in who I am trying to be, for my sanity and for my daughter and I’s relationship.

As a friend I think I rock! There I said it. I think I am an awesome friend. I am ALWAYS thinking of ways to try and make the friendship better, how to grow it, how to nurture the relationship into a longer lasting organic thing. This past year I have grown many of my friendships. I have gained more close friends than I have had in years. I feel SO blessed by those people who surround me on a day to day basis as well as through my church family and also friends from years past. Anyone who has ever called me a friend is special to me in ways they probably don’t even know and has blessed me in ways I can’t even count. My goal this last year was to do the same to as many others as I was able to.

As a Christian I have grown leaps and bounds. My “new” church family that I have been worshiping with for the last 5 or so years has blessed me in ways I can’t even explain. I feel like we have settled into this family and will be here for the long haul. I feel like we have been blessed by so many at the Round Rock Church of Christ that I can’t even explain it. They have been standing by us, in good times and bad times with no judgement. With some of the drama that has been happening at my “old” church home in NM, I am so happy to have found a home that I feel I fit in- and that is glad to have me. I only hope I can bless them in one ounce of the way they have already blessed me and my family.

While I have always loved Isaiah, I had never had Chapter 43, verse 18-19 strike me like it did last night. But it did. I am such a different person than I was- and I am glad I have forgotten many former things in my life. I am thrilled that I no longer dwell on things in the past. But thrilled to pieces that I am doing new thing and enjoying my life the way it is going right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can say that I have seen your growth over the years. I have always been very proud of you and what you have accomplished. You have exceeded all of my expectations and my expectations were high.

As for Isaiah. I never thought of you and Isaiah. That is probably the one book that drives me crazy to read/study.

You are an excellent example for your kids - and, they are watching.