Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Poor Oreo

I recieved a call from Josh while traveling to Amarillo about somethign "YOUR SON" had done. Jacob was being to quiet for his own good so Josh decided to check on him. Josh peaks his head around the corner and expects to see Jacob playing with his trains or playing with a puzzel as he often is doing when he is quiet. But what Josh saw was Jacob holding down the cat. He had taken the scissors from the kitchen and had already cut his whiskers off and was working on his fur. I feel so bad for MY kitty. He is such a good cat. He allows any kid to pick him up and drag him all over the neighborhood without scratching them. He allows the dog to nibble on his neck. He loves to sit on my lap while a pet him. And now he has no way to see at night. Jacob has all but blinded the poor kitty.
I love my Oreo.


Anonymous said...
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Sarah said...

poor kitty.
emmy has discovered scissors but still no disasters yet.