I think I need a support group to come off the Wii. I don’t want to ever stop playing. I have to make myself stop. It has become Mommy and Jacob time together. We have a love affair with Super Mario Galaxy. We play it all the time. It may become a serious problem once the kids get back in school. But we enjoy our time together. And we have collected 7 of the 8 stars we need to unlock the next part of the galaxy. (I am SUCH a nerd.)
But I cannot describe how I feel sitting there on the couch with my little boy in a fit of excitement as we battle some sort of crazy “evil” being. We work together to defeat the evils that are trying to kill us and enjoy every moment of it together. Jacob and I have never had an activity in which we both enjoyed it so much that we longed to do it. But we have found it. I enjoy every moment of it. I love playing, because it is fun, but I also enjoy watching him play and become excited when he is able to defeat an enemy in which he has struggled with. He is so proud of himself and I am so proud of him as well.
But don’t worry, after a while we turn it off and he will go ride his scooter or bike and run around and terrorize the neighborhood with all his little friends. So he is getting time outside as much as he is playing the game inside.
I can see it now: Susan is all hopped up on Excedrin playing he Wii into the wee hours while Jacob cries, "No more Mommy. I need sleep".
"Jacob! I come from a long line of Champions and Champions never quit. Now, Mommy has a headache, get Mommy some more Excedrin and be quiet."
Excedrin, Crack it is all the same isn't it?
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