Thursday, June 14, 2007

What a banner week for Emily it has been.

After she won the tickets to the baseball game she actually "caught" a ball during the game. And becasue the kids had been so well behaved during the game Josh and the kids waited after the game to get a few of the players to sign the ball. She could not have been more excited. Seriously. I have a picture of her and the ball, stuck on my camera becasue I have to find the cord.

The kids are super excited about flying to see the grandparents in a few days. It works out the Chelsa leaves on Friday and the kids leave Sat morning. No time to grieve her leaving, because we have our own fun to have.

We are celevrating Fathers Day tonight since the kids will be gone on Sunday. I think Josh will really like his present, it is after all what he asked for. So all should go well there.

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