When she was 18 months old I was in Florida, working at Disney World for an internship needed to graduate from college and my parents were helping keep an eye on here while my husband worked. Well while she was hanging with the 'rents she steped off a matress that was on the floor for company that was visiting my parents. We are talking about a 6 inch height off the floor. She jumped/fell/walked off this matress and hurt herself. My mother, being completly over-protective and worried that we would sue her for hurting my child took her to hospital. She WALKED into the Emergency Room, limped once (which a nirse happened to see) and went to waiting. The nurse that determines if you have a "true" emergency decided she was not hurt and they could go see her regular doctor in the morning, but the nurse who happened to see her limp thought it would be best to have an X-ray. So they did and she had a broken leg. She WALKED on a broken leg, and didn't cry or fuss about it at all. So....when my child says something hurts we take her very serious.
Here is a picture of my Emily when she was 18 months old with a cast. How sad is this, she wore a hole through the heel of the cast. What is more sad, I missed the whole thing. She was broken and healed while I was away.
I still feel guilty! No grandchild should get injured when they are in the care of their grandmother. I have never felt so bad in my entire life.
how sweet! and what a good nurse that they caught the broken leg. good instincts, grandma, for taking her to the doc.
Yep, she is a pretty tough chick. Even with a cast, she could still outrun both grandmothers!!
Just remember, even tough chicks need a hug from mom every once is a while.
thanks for the encouragment ;)
and I too broke my ankle stepping off the very last stair going into the basement when I was under 2years. I got an open toed cast and used it as a weapon trying to kick my mother during a tempertantrum and broke two toes as well. such behavioral trouble as a child lol
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