Now the boy sneaks all sorts of things. He is an all-encompassing sneaker. He sneaks food. I always find rotten strawberries under my couch, because he will sneak them and as I come into the room he will throw them under the couch as to not get caught. (I only find them after the house begins to have an interesting aroma and I have to hunt it down.) He ate an entire bag of cookie dough that had been in my house for less than 48 hours. I had intended to make those cookies this week, but because I did not so it immediately after purchase, they were gone.
He also sneaks for the fun of it, as I call it. Sneaks finger-paint, permanent markers and scotch tape. Unfortunately my poor house is often on the receiving end of his sneakiness. So now I will show you some of his "work."
Here are pictures of his train that he drew on the wall as pictures that includes the fingerpaint stain which he snuck while he was supposed to be taking a nap and the train tracks he drew down his train table and across the floor. The tracks on the floor are difficult to see in the picture because they are orange, and it has been a few weeks and they have started to fade.
On another note***********
Tonight we have Meet the Teacher night at the school and find out who the kids teachers will be and where the classrooms are. Yesterday I recieved a call from the coveted Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith was Emily's Kindergarten until they had to disband her classbecasue there were too few kids. She went and taught first grade that year. We loved Mrs. Smith. She is what a Kindergarten teacher should be. She called yesterday to make sure I knew about Meet the Teacher night and that we would be there. She remembered Emily ( I am not sure if that is good or bad, but --) and she asked if Jacob would be coming. I REALLY, REALLY hope this means that he is going to have Mrs. Smith for his teacher. I would be SO happy! And I would know that Jacob would have a good year with her as a teacher, as opposed to the teacher Emily ended up having for most of Kindergarten and was less than perfect.
Last night we went to Mackenzie's birthday party and on the way home I was telling Emily and Jacob that Mrs. Smith had called, but I said, "Emily can you guess who called me today?" Knowing full well that she did not know I was curious who she would guess. She guessed "Santa Claus?"
We ended up having a conversation about Santa, and if nobody has seen him, how do we know what he looks like? I had no answer to that. She concluded that some kids must have seen him at some point, and they told us that he wears a red suit, black boots, a black belt with a gold button and glasses, sometimes. But then Jacob said, "Emily! We have seen Santa-at Wal-Mart" She asked if that was the real Santa, I said "Sure!" She was thrilled. It was the first time that I think she really gets it. The magic is still alive! But she is questioning it. She said she wants to stay up and see him put the presents under the tree. I don't know if we will get to that point, but she is totally into it. She is ready for Christmas, and all that fun.
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