Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This is an older picture I took. It is of some of the most outer rings of Hurrican Rita. This was our big hoopla. But it is a pretty picture, and I wanted something pretty to look at while I wait...some more. I don't think we are ever going to find out if he got it. I seriously feel like I am going to puke. I have felt that way for the last 48 hours. Josh and I are now to the point were we almost don;t care one way or the other, we just want to know, so that we can start getting on with our lives.

In other news, the kiddos are doing well. They seem completly unfased by all the tension in the house, just trucking along. Emily's reading does seem to be improving, the more we work with her. I hope I am not just hopeful and seeing small progress as bigger progress. Jacob is a huge mess. He has finally taken it upon himself to learn how to put his shoes on. This is a huge step for him, he also tried red tortilla chips the other day, another huge milestone. New foods anf Jacob don't mix, so anything new is a big deal to us. I have two, yes two doctors appointments. I have an eye doctor appointment and a regular doctor appointment. Yeah, I get to sit and wait alot tomarrow, at least I have a new book to take with me. And well you know all about Josh right now. We really need to find out so he can start sleeping again. He has a difficult enough time getting enough sleep but the added anxiety hasn't helped.

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