Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Good grief!

So I put in my two week notice to La Quinta yesterday and it was received as well as I thought it would be. I really did not expect much hoopla. It was posted on the JOB report that goes out all over the company as an open position today. So...I guess they are ready to be rid of me. Oh well. My boss keeps saying little things, like you are going to miss you and I hope I get another AGM with your knowledge. I really think he is doing it to make me feel better, he just doesn't realize how not bad I feel. Now I say good grief in my title line because gosh darn it my parents instilled work ethic in me. I was planning on taking today off, but I heard from someone who has not been audited, as we have not been audited as well that they were at her property today. So I pack my kids up and send them away and come into work because I know we would fail if they came in and I did not fix some things before they got here. So here I am at work, instead of being off with my two beautiful kids. Thanks a lot Mom and Dad, you instilled work ethic, the value of a job done right and dedication to your work in me. I really do not know what I would do without it all. I know that it is because of these things that I was offered the new job, So really... Thanks!!!


Amy said...

You know that even if your boss thinks he is just trying to make you feel better, he will soon learn that he really does miss your work. Few people can pick up slack like you do and I am sure he will see that soon enough.

Susan said...

Thanks, I needed that. I came into workthis morning to nobody here to work the desk. I had an email to call my big boss, so all day I have been excited to call him to see what he was going to say. He said Congrats on the new job and I hope that it wasn't anything we did. I told him Allen and I had a bit of a personallity problem. he did not have much to say to that. Oh well... hopefully it will make him think about him and how he runs this hotel.

Amy said...

"a bit of a personality problem"? Way to bite your tongue!