The Wednesday before Emily was to return home to Austin I received free tickets to the minor league baseball team, the Round Rock Express. We thought it would be fun, we had only been once before and that was when we first moved to the area. Josh really enjoyed getting to take his son to the game, because Jacob actually watched it for about two innings before he lost interest and wanted to go climb on the Rainbow playscapes. We only stayed for 5 innings, but had a great time all the same. Jacob especially enjoyed the cotton candy and all the soda he could take in. It is a wonder that we got him to sleep that night.
Emily has returned. It was great to see her. She has grown so much and I can hardly believe how grown up she is. That is until about 3 o'clock today when everything came crashing down. She was awoken by her brother this morning and thus blamed her "crankiness" on the fact that Jacob rose her from her beauty sleep. And then it was stormy and we would not allow her to roam the neighborhood when a lightning filled storm was about to hit. I guess I am a bad parent. Her brother was really jealous of her and all the attention she was getting last night, but seems to have mellowed out today.
This is the first time I have been able to see them viable fight for Josh and I's attention. We do our best to only reward good behavior with attention, but occasionally the bad warrants a good stern talking to and thus they get the attention. Oh well...nobody ever said being a parent was easy.